The Center for Strategic Change specializes in guiding strategic change efforts by:
~ Facilitating strategic thinking sessions to clarify the change that is desired
~ Strategic planning
~ Market research - focus groups, surveys, interviews, market analysis, etc.
~ Board of Directors’ development - governance, training sessions
~ CEO Masterminding/Executive Coaching - one-on-one brainstorming/coaching with CEO
~ Senior leadership team coaching (Individual or team)
Nonprofit Mergers: Five successful mergers. Designed the process, facilitated a series of strategic thinking sessions for the boards, executives directors and merger team to explore the feasibility of a merger, coordinated the financial and legal due diligence, designed a series of information sessions to keep staff updated, coordinated the governance transition and facilitated a series of staff integration sessions after the mergers were approved.
Healthcare Growth Strategy: Guided a community health center from its inception through growth cycles resulting in an increase from one site to three and from startup to $7.5 million healthcare enterprise.
Economic Development: facilitated municipality through a process resulting in the development of an economic development plan. Included focus groups, online survey, Economic Development Summit, task forces and reports to the Economic Development Committee.
Grant Process Redesign: Facilitated statewide nonprofit organization through a process resulting in the redesign of their grant awarding process. Included focus groups, key stakeholder interviews, online surveys, and facilitated sessions.
Web Portal Strategy: Facilitated a global healthcare product/service company through a strategic thinking process resulting in the development of a corporate web portal strategy for its six worldwide business units.
Strategic Plan: Facilitated a process to help an international trade association understand the changing environment affecting its members and the association’s membership retention Included focus groups with chapters, survey of members, special interest group interviews, intercept interviews as trade show, key stakeholder interviews, development of the strategic plan and presentations to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.
~ Building the High-Performance Team
~ Integrating Leadership Styles
~ Nurturing Your Relationship with ‘The Board‘
~ Strategic Planning - Making It Work for Your Organization
~ Strengthen the Harmony Between Your Life, Family, and Work
~ Volunteerism: The Backbone of American Society
~ Collaboration: Building Effective Collaborative Relationships