Board member Heather Dean has kindly organized a training series for MABC members:
MABC Mini-Series | Exploring Microsoft TEAMS
20 min – Typical-Use Exploration
20 min – Less-Used Features
5 mi – Edit and revise list of topics/focus for next meeting
List of Topics:
MABC members can join this virtual series to test out different aspects of Microsoft TEAMS before you try it with your own clients. We have an informal approach to the exploration but with a rough agenda of 20 minutes dedicated to regular features and 20 minutes dedicated to lesser known features.
We keep a running list of topics to explore including using the whiteboard, setting up and joining breakout rooms, virtual post-it notes, webinars, and setting up teams/channels. Hope you can join us!
What: MABC Mini-Series | Exploring Microsoft TEAMS
Date: 1st Tuesday of every month | February 1
Time: 10:00 am to 10:45 am
Location: Microsoft Teams
This is a Members Only Event. To Join this MABC Mini-Series, click here at 10am on the actual program date.
We look forward to seeing you there!
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