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MABC Meeting | Beyond Burnout: Finding Balance and Resilience in Entrepreneurship

  • October 10, 2024
  • 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88070406722?pwd=c01pZDlyeEJ3KzgvZmNiQ1k2SG5wUT09


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October Program Presentation

Beyond Burnout: Finding Balance and Resilience in Entrepreneurship

with Sarah Giencke, Nervous System & TRE® Coach

We are more stressed than ever - especially as entrepreneurs. With today's fast-paced business landscape, entrepreneurs often find themselves teetering on the edge of burnout, grappling with the pressures of building and sustaining their business.

In this session, we'll explore the science behind how we get stressed & triggered, and practical strategies to build resilience - equipping you with proactive tools to help you go from surviving to thriving.

Whether you're a seasoned business owner or just starting your entrepreneurial journey, this webinar is for you! Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock the secrets of well-being as an entrepreneur.


Sarah Giencke

Sarah Giencke is a Nervous System and Resilience Coach who is Certified in TRE® (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises) and Founder of Riset Resiliency, a wellness consultancy.

Through her work, she helps people reclaim power and balance over their nervous systems so that they can live less stressful and more peaceful lives.

Hope to see you there!

October  10, 2024      8:00am - 10:00am CST




8:00-8:30 a.m. CST  - Open Zoom Networking

8:30-9:00 a.m. CST - Meeting opening remarks

9:00-9:45 a.m. CST - Program

9:45-10:00 a.m. CST - Questions & Answers


Program Logistics


Who. For all B2B consultants craving collegiality, collaboration, and real conversation. Guests welcome!

What. Monthly program providing networking, relevant education, and personal and professional growth opportunities. 

When. Thursday, October 10 • 8:00 AM–10:00 AM CST

Where. Zoom Meeting ID will be in your registration confirmation email

Cost. Free for Members & Guests

RSVP. Register Today!

Guests always welcome!

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