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Chapter Seventeen - Create Your Personal GPS - Nancy Kruschke, CPO

September 05, 2023 2:17 PM | John Russell (Administrator)

Chapter Seventeen - Create Your Personal GPS - Nancy Kruschke, CPO

"We Wish We Had Known - Everyday Tips from Consultants to Grow Your Business"

#Time Management

"Create Your Personal GPS"

Nancy Kruschke, CPO
Successful Organizing Solutions (SOS)

Consultant, Coach, Speaker, Trainer, Author
www.SOSorganize.net / Info@SOSorganize.net


When I worked in an office, my tasks were rather routine, and I never saw the purpose of using a calendar other than for meetings with others. I knew what to work on because the files were stacked on my desk.  So, each day, I focused on reducing the stack.  For the most part, that worked well, unless one of the files on the bottom of the stack was a priority and I missed a deadline.  I needed a better strategy.

      It wasn’t until I started my business and realized how many hats business owners wear to keep the business running and moving forward that I realized the importance of using my calendar.  I thought back to my missed deadline and I knew I needed to figure out a better way to prioritize and block time for the tasks that need to be done to run my business.  I now call this strategy my Personal GPS.

      Everyday millions of us use the global positioning system in our car or on our phone to help us navigate to our destinations, typically following the shortest path with the fewest detours or traffic jams.  So why shouldn’t we use the same philosophy to navigate through our day or week with the fewest interruptions and to meet our goals in the shortest amount of time?  My Personal GPS, formerly known as my calendar, keeps me focused, efficient and prepared to manage my business while serving my clients.

      I now help other business professionals prioritize tasks, stay focused on what’s important, and create boundaries by utilizing their Personal GPS.

    1.     Identify the white space on your calendar.

White space = free or open time

    2.     Group similar tasks together.

Review your task list or create a task list containing all your tasks. The most common groups include calls, emails, financials, reports, articles, professional development.  Most of us usually have about seven groups.
3.     Block time on your calendar for each task group in your white space.
Each group will require different amounts of time.  Some might only need 30 minutes per week, while others need 90 minutes daily.

Also take into consideration your energy level when blocking time to work on each task group.  If you have more energy in the morning, block time to work on reports or write an article, those tasks that require more energy and focus.  Mid-afternoon you might have less energy, schedule routine tasks, those tasks which you could complete in your sleep.

There are two blocks I recommend to all my clients.

(1)        Email processing – block 30 minutes three times per day to consciously process your incoming email
(2)        Prep/close – block 15-30 minutes at the end of each day.

Prep = Look at your schedule for tomorrow, confirm you prepared for upcoming meetings and are ready to work on the task blocks you have scheduled.

Close = Review your day, confirm you captured the tasks from today’s meetings, calls and emails on your task list.

      With practice, you will find the right amount of time to block for each task group. You will discover that using your calendar as your Personal GPS to navigate each day will help you stay focused, get more done and be less stressed.


Nancy Kruschke, owner Successful Organizing Solutions (SOS) and co-owner of Productivity Training Academy (PTA), an on-demand productivity training company.    Nancy is a productivity consultant, coach and trainer. She didn’t plan on becoming a technology expert but starting with her first career in the financial industry, she quickly became the go-to person for any computer, printer or software question. And her technology skills and expertise have grown exponentially.

For more than 20 years, Nancy has trained individuals and whole organizations on how to utilize the Microsoft Suite of tools to be more productive and collaborative. She is a Microsoft Office Specialist in Outlook and OneNote and has become an expert on Microsoft 365. But Microsoft may not always be the answer to a client’s business issues and Nancy takes the time to understand a company’s existing technology toolset and needs before making a recommendation.

Nancy has over 30 years of experience. As a consultant/coach she has worked with businesses of all sizes; partnering with them to assess, design and implement customized technology solutions.

She has a B.A. in business management from North Central College, Naperville, Ill. She is a member of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO), a Certified Professional Organizer®, and co-author of three books. Nancy lives in Madison, Wis., with her shih tzu, Osita.

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