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Chapter Twenty Two - Staying On Course - Susan D. Oja

October 10, 2023 11:18 AM | John Russell (Administrator)

Chapter Twenty Two - Staying On Course - Susan D. Oja

"We Wish We Had Known - Everyday Tips from Consultants to Grow Your Business"

#Principled Leadership

Staying On Course

Susan D. Oja

Problem solver and connector. Help for life and business.

susandoja.ladiesofjustice.com / susanoja@gmail.com

In the late 70s, when sailing from New York to Bermuda with friends aboard their sloop, we were caught in a violent storm on the open sea. We had reduced sail and battened down the hatches, but as the wind and waves buffeted us, everything became soaked with seawater. Cooking was impossible. We nibbled on crackers for sustenance and to overcome seasickness. Tethered to the safety rail during three-hour watches, we fell off course to survive the turbulence, headed towards Africa.

      The storm subsided after about 24 hours, but we'd lost our bearings. Dark clouds still precluded celestial navigation. Where were we? Finally, a freighter detected our radio signals and confirmed our position. We set sail, immensely relieved and grateful! That voyage remains a powerful reminder of the importance of staying on course.

      In personal life and in business, being forced to respond to the unexpected is stressful. Staying on course can be challenging when, despite our best efforts, we’re struggling just to stay afloat. But when our compass is set to true north and we have determined our position, we can get back on course, and using sound principles, navigate to our destination.

      A principle that’s consistently guided my clients and me is choosing to show grace to others while doing what is right – even if doing so “hurts” at the time. We may need to tack, but with a clear conscience, we're free to set sail for continued success.

Doing What Is Right and Choosing to Give Grace

1. Begin at the beginning: Determine what is morally, ethically and legally right, then stay on course.

      I still can hear my law professors lecturing about the dangers of “a slippery slope” – when a seemingly insignificant sidestep starts a precipitous fall. Most of the time, we know what is “right” – and not: Our moral compasses are set at an early age as we learn life survival skills from those who care for us.

      But the law is legal, not necessarily logical – or even reasonable – and what we don’t know can hurt us and others. So before venturing into uncharted waters, seek advice from an experienced professional who has expertise in that area of law.

2. Might versus right: Because you can does not mean you should.

      Mutual respect and integrity are essentials for continued success in personal life, as well as professionally. Circumstances do not change that – even when being a zealous advocate or representing powerful clients. Choosing to do what is right sometimes is painful, but a clear conscience is priceless – a potent and healing salve, it promotes peacefulness, happiness, and continued growth, which are among life’s best rewards!

3. How you do the right thing matters: Choose to give grace.

      Once you've confirmed what is right, act accordingly. Consider what is necessary, appropriate, and helpful to move forward, without meanness or vindictiveness. 

Pausing to consider these three things before responding has saved me many times!


Whether Susan is tackling a project on her own or facilitating connections to those better positioned to get the job done, the joy of helping others move forward and live fully is her sweetest reward.

Always fascinated by the connectedness of things, including human relationships, Susan initially focused on nature’s systems and wildlife research. Then, in civil practice law firms and as in-house counsel, she helped businesses overcome challenges to achieve worthy goals. As an environmental lawyer, she worked with scientists and engineers to resolve real-world issues. She appreciates others’ perspectives and a multi-faceted approach to solving complex problems.

For 15 years, Susan also has been a LegalShield business associate and member helping businesses, employees and individuals get advice and access to justice through the dedicated network of partnering law firms. Why? Because LegalShield’s shared economy model works! For about $1 a day, attorneys across the country have saved Susan’s own family time, stress and thousands of dollars on everyday life and frustrating consumer issues. IDShield protects their personal information through comprehensive monitoring, with licensed fraud investigators who provide consultation and identity restoration when fraud occurs. IDShield for Business is essential layered protection against cyberattacks. Just tap the LegalShield or IDShield mobile app to talk with your attorney or fraud investigator at any time – even 24/7 in emergencies!

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