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Chapter Twenty Three - Embracing Imperfection - Frances Parker

October 16, 2023 8:08 AM | John Russell (Administrator)

Chapter Twenty Three - Embracing Imperfection - Frances Parker

"We Wish We Had Known - Everyday Tips from Consultants to Grow Your Business"


Embracing Imperfection 

Frances Parker

Consistency and Accountability Coach
Speaker and Workshop Facilitator


There’s more pressure than ever before to get things right in every part of our lives, to be perfect. Gadgets, apps, and advice on how to be your very best surround us. Social media makes everyone look put together and successful. 

      We end up often feeling like we’ll never be enough.  But that’s such an illusion. No one can be perfect; it just isn’t humanly possible.

     Recall someone you consider to be at the top of their profession, sport or craft.  Now, do you believe they are also the best at every other aspect of their lives as well?  We were born with gifts and faults, and we are all beautifully imperfect because we are human.

      Imagine if you no longer had to be perfect anymore. Imagine what the world would be like if you could chase imperfection.  At first, this might seem like an unusual journey to take. The path, though, is quite spectacularly filled with adventure and surprises. When chasing imperfection, you truly will learn the value of letting go, making mistakes, and discovering the joy which comes from knowing you only have to be good enough and never perfect.

      Aim high and have big dreams but start with an attainable lower bar and raise it as you progress.  Progress over perfection will win the long game.  Remember the turtle and the hare fable? 

Consider the benefits of embracing imperfection.

  • 1.     You’ll be happier.

Perfectionists carry a LOT of emotional baggage from trying to look as though their entire world is 110% wonderful all the time. They tend to have unrealistic expectations.  Embrace the messy, flawed parts of your life and yourself, and you’ll be happier and way less stressed.  Be perfectly imperfect, it’s not just a cliché!

  • 2.     You won’t fear failure so much.

Accepting imperfection means failure shrinks back down to being just another aspect of life. Perfectionists tend to take failure personally. It becomes a catastrophe and something that defines their sense of self. But accepting that to make mistakes is human means you see failure as an opportunity to learn, make the necessary changes, and move on.  Be kind to yourself.

  • 3.     Embracing imperfection makes you a nicer person.

If you’re comfortable with imperfection, you won’t be so quick to criticize and judge others. And that will make you a much nicer friend, colleague and family member. You’ll be less likely to blow your fuse at trivial things, you’ll cut people more slack, and relationships will be calmer and more rewarding.

  • 4.     Your self-acceptance will grow.

People who accept their flaws and quirks and are less likely to be hard on themselves when they make a mistake. Perfectionists are usually their own harshest critics; their self-esteem is fragile and easily crushed. Acknowledgment of your humanity means you’re less likely to feel guilty or ashamed when you make a mistake or don’t reach your goals as soon as you might have liked.  Focus on what makes you happy and impress yourself.

  • 5.     You will inspire others.

Imperfection is the keynote of being a human. Grow, progress and gracefully accept the ebbs and flows of life. Embrace your true essence and let your inner radiance shine. 

Join me on the path of chasing imperfection.



As a business coach focused on accountability and positivity,  Frances helps high-achieving professionals find harmony between work, home and personal goals. Together we clarify your priorities, develop a strategy, and define actionable goals AND then you make progress. You become more focused, more productive, more engaged. She coaches privately as well as group trainings and offers a variety of talks and workshops on productivity and accountability.

Frances is trained in and utilizes a unique set of tools and strategies that are based on the science of the brain that allow her to help her clients stick with positive choices and actions consistently. No more procrastination, no more pushing your personal goals to the back burner, no more feeling overwhelmed.

With a 25-plus year corporate work history and an education in pharmacy and business plus an array of various certifications, Frances has the experience and skills to guide and mentor you,

Perceptive, curious, insightful, and often a little on the woo side, Frances ensures you feel heard, brave and safe. She is on a mission to support high-achieving professionals break the cycle of overwhelm, find harmony, and win their day, every day.

When not coaching, you can find her loving her family fiercely and extravagantly, finding something to create in her overabundance of art supplies, or spending time outdoors in nature.

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