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Improve Your Success With A Pre-Meeting Agenda

January 17, 2024 10:05 AM | John Russell (Administrator)

There are many strategic moves you can make to improve, advance and develop your career and customer base.  One often overlooked strategy is to always use Pre-Meeting Agendas for your personal and business meetings.

Russell Wilson, long time NFL quarterback has been quoted as saying, "the separation is in the preparation".  The difference between winning and losing is in how you prepare.

Pre-meeting planning can take many forms.  It often includes qualifying questions that help frame the opportunity for you to solve your prospects or clients problems.  What can I do to prepare?  What should I read to learn more?  What research should I do in advance?  What questions should I ask?  

What can you learn about your prospect or client before you meet to show them that you're invested in their success?

What's the goal of the meeting?   How will you know that the meeting was successful?  How will you measure the outcome?

Type up the meeting agenda.  Write a short list of 3 questions that you want to ask before the meeting, related to the agenda.  Then send out the agenda and the 3 questions to the other people involved in the meeting.  You can say, "in preparation for this meeting I've done some homework and I'd like to share with you three things I hope we can discuss."  Then suggest that all the other people attending the meeting review the agenda and questions and come prepared to discuss.  Then ask them what questions they have that they would like to learn more about.  Add those to the agenda to be sure everyone is included and engaged before the meeting.  Then finalize the agenda and questions before the meeting and send them out to all involved.  State what you perceive the desired outcome might be.  Then when everyone meets all people arrive being on the same page.  Focused on the primary reason for the meeting and all working together to achieve the desired outcome.

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