Lee Johnsen - Madison Area Business Consultants Member Profile
Most of us have limited experience leading remote teams and yet, now most, if not all of our teams, are working from home. We’ve all had to jump in with both feet and just try to figure it out as we go along. Lee Johnsen is the author of Literally Virtually: Making Virtual Teams Work. Lee is an expert in helping virtual team leaders and members feel like they're working in the same room--when they're not.
He specializes in helping global and virtual teams navigate the challenges and opportunities of working in a virtual world. He has worked and spoken internationally to assist organizations and their remote workforce. He is a proven expert in the fields of leading the remote workforce, including leadership training and coaching, management and organizational development.
Lee has a 30-year record of successfully guiding organizations toward improved productivity and enriched work relationships resulting in significant growth. His broad practical experience in consulting and strategizing with corporate learning and development managers, as well as his technical knowledge, have served him well in creating winning strategies and achieving optimal results.
Lee has held officer and management positions in Fortune 500 corporations and government agencies. His expertise encompasses executive coaching, strategic planning, leadership and management development training, performance improvement, change management, and sales and service development.
Virtual team and remote workforce development
Executive development
Leadership training
Management and organizational development
Workplace learning and performance consulting
Consulting to identify workplace performance obstacles and methods to overcome them. Specialized development of virtual team leaders and members. Lee is an expert at helping virtual team leaders and members feel like they're in the same room--even when they're not!
Customized leadership and management development training.
Customized training design, development and delivery. Executive coaching and team building.
Background Info
Partners in Development is the leading virtual team consulting firm, committed to strengthening the skills and performance of your team’s leaders and members. We design our services to build long-lasting solutions to the challenges of virtual team management.
We are a network of experienced performance leaders, committed to helping organizations raise their industry position and profitability. We work with you to establish best practices and processes to improve virtual team excellence. We offer a variety of performance improvement solutions
Consulting Specialties
Management Consulting
Coaching & Personal Development
Performance Improvement
Organizational Development & Planning