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  • September 11, 2023 2:45 PM | John Russell (Administrator)

    Chapter Eighteen - The Customer is Not Always Right! - William McCarthy, PhD

    "We Wish We Had Known - Everyday Tips from Consultants to Grow Your Business"

    #Customer Service

    "The Customer is Not Always Right!"


    Project Manager and Trade Compliance Adviser

    onsultants need to delight our clients—to exceed their expectations. When a customer provides an implementation plan, we must first determine if it’s the right solution. 

         I was asked to lead a team redesigning a feedback system that aligned a critical component. This was a major project with a substantial budget and would likely raise the cost of the analyzer reducing margins in a price sensitive market. 

          The feedback worked like driver assist on an automobile that makes small movements on the steering wheel to keep the car in a lane. Occasionally (about once a day) the feedback loop would make a large unnecessary adjustment and become unstable. It would be as if the car suddenly swerved across two lanes.

          I asked to see the raw input. There were too many data points for Excel because the feedback system took thousands of measurements a second. 

          So I manually scrolled through the screens of data and noticed something unusual.

          The numbers ranged from 1-11 millivolts until suddenly a physically impossible reading like 60 billion volts would appear. It would be like that hypothetical driver assist was told that the car was two counties away. 

          Because the numbers were averaged it was impossible to see that the issue was a communication error and not a control problem without examining the raw input. The communication error was easily fixed with a simple electronic chip upgrade. My project was unnecessary. I provided a solution that put me out of a job. 

    Always ask about the why before starting any project.

    • Why is often more important than how.
    • Get down to causes and conditions before jumping to conclusions. 
    • Preparation is as important as execution.

    The customer is not always right. No one is...including you!

    • Be humble and respectful. 
    • Do not talk down to a customer, but do not assume they have the whole picture.
    • Remember they are asking for help. It is our job to give them the correct help.

    The customer is not always the right customer.

    • Be prepared to walk away if it is not a good fit.
    • Have a list of consultants you can recommend. 
    • Have confidence in your expertise.


    William McCarthy uses his strong science background with particular expertise in business processes to provide project management, product marketing and trade compliance for technologically oriented companies. 

    Trade compliance, the aspect of corporate compliance that ensures imports and exports conform with laws and regulations of all involved countries, can be especially complex for innovative technology companies. He translates between technical-oriented customers (engineers and scientists) and regulatory experts.

  • September 05, 2023 2:17 PM | John Russell (Administrator)

    Chapter Seventeen - Create Your Personal GPS - Nancy Kruschke, CPO

    "We Wish We Had Known - Everyday Tips from Consultants to Grow Your Business"

    #Time Management

    "Create Your Personal GPS"

    Nancy Kruschke, CPO
    Successful Organizing Solutions (SOS)

    Consultant, Coach, Speaker, Trainer, Author
    www.SOSorganize.net / Info@SOSorganize.net


    When I worked in an office, my tasks were rather routine, and I never saw the purpose of using a calendar other than for meetings with others. I knew what to work on because the files were stacked on my desk.  So, each day, I focused on reducing the stack.  For the most part, that worked well, unless one of the files on the bottom of the stack was a priority and I missed a deadline.  I needed a better strategy.

          It wasn’t until I started my business and realized how many hats business owners wear to keep the business running and moving forward that I realized the importance of using my calendar.  I thought back to my missed deadline and I knew I needed to figure out a better way to prioritize and block time for the tasks that need to be done to run my business.  I now call this strategy my Personal GPS.

          Everyday millions of us use the global positioning system in our car or on our phone to help us navigate to our destinations, typically following the shortest path with the fewest detours or traffic jams.  So why shouldn’t we use the same philosophy to navigate through our day or week with the fewest interruptions and to meet our goals in the shortest amount of time?  My Personal GPS, formerly known as my calendar, keeps me focused, efficient and prepared to manage my business while serving my clients.

          I now help other business professionals prioritize tasks, stay focused on what’s important, and create boundaries by utilizing their Personal GPS.

        1.     Identify the white space on your calendar.

    White space = free or open time

        2.     Group similar tasks together.

    Review your task list or create a task list containing all your tasks. The most common groups include calls, emails, financials, reports, articles, professional development.  Most of us usually have about seven groups.
    3.     Block time on your calendar for each task group in your white space.
    Each group will require different amounts of time.  Some might only need 30 minutes per week, while others need 90 minutes daily.

    Also take into consideration your energy level when blocking time to work on each task group.  If you have more energy in the morning, block time to work on reports or write an article, those tasks that require more energy and focus.  Mid-afternoon you might have less energy, schedule routine tasks, those tasks which you could complete in your sleep.

    There are two blocks I recommend to all my clients.

    (1)        Email processing – block 30 minutes three times per day to consciously process your incoming email
    (2)        Prep/close – block 15-30 minutes at the end of each day.

    Prep = Look at your schedule for tomorrow, confirm you prepared for upcoming meetings and are ready to work on the task blocks you have scheduled.

    Close = Review your day, confirm you captured the tasks from today’s meetings, calls and emails on your task list.

          With practice, you will find the right amount of time to block for each task group. You will discover that using your calendar as your Personal GPS to navigate each day will help you stay focused, get more done and be less stressed.


    Nancy Kruschke, owner Successful Organizing Solutions (SOS) and co-owner of Productivity Training Academy (PTA), an on-demand productivity training company.    Nancy is a productivity consultant, coach and trainer. She didn’t plan on becoming a technology expert but starting with her first career in the financial industry, she quickly became the go-to person for any computer, printer or software question. And her technology skills and expertise have grown exponentially.

    For more than 20 years, Nancy has trained individuals and whole organizations on how to utilize the Microsoft Suite of tools to be more productive and collaborative. She is a Microsoft Office Specialist in Outlook and OneNote and has become an expert on Microsoft 365. But Microsoft may not always be the answer to a client’s business issues and Nancy takes the time to understand a company’s existing technology toolset and needs before making a recommendation.

    Nancy has over 30 years of experience. As a consultant/coach she has worked with businesses of all sizes; partnering with them to assess, design and implement customized technology solutions.

    She has a B.A. in business management from North Central College, Naperville, Ill. She is a member of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO), a Certified Professional Organizer®, and co-author of three books. Nancy lives in Madison, Wis., with her shih tzu, Osita.

  • August 29, 2023 8:09 AM | John Russell (Administrator)

    Chapter Sixteen - Three Ways To Improve Your Diversity, Equity And Inclusion Efforts - Lisa Koenecke, M.S. CDP

    "We Wish We Had Known - Everyday Tips from Consultants to Grow Your Business"

    #Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
    #Workplace Culture

    "Three Ways To Improve Your Diversity, Equity And Inclusion Efforts"

    Lisa Koenecke, M.S. CDP

    Inclusion Ally
    Certified Diversity Equity Inclusion Speaker

    InclusionAlly.com/ Lisa@LisaKoenecke.com

    Whether you own your own business or help other people with their business, you have probably heard the term DEI. Diversity, equity and inclusion have been with us for a long time. We are now using these terms to improve our environments. Let’s explore three ways to improve your DEI efforts.

    1.     SHOW

    •       How do you show someone that you are an ally?   What a great question.  As a consultant, you might show your allyship by offering to meet at a conducive time for your client depending upon where they live in the world or what their daily schedule might allow.  SHOW through flexibility.   
    •       Other ways to SHOW your inclusion is by learning a different language (even just a greeting) and understanding important dates on a calendar so you can plan around celebrations. You can also SHOW your pronouns next to your name for video conferencing or in your email signature.  These are excellent ways to SHOW you’re making an effort in the world of DEI.
    2.     SHIFT
    •       What does SHIFT have to do with diversity, equity and inclusion?  Thanks for asking!   When we SHIFT, we make a change.  For the purpose of DEI, let’s consider SHIFTING our mindsets and behaviors, shall we?   Brilliant!  In business, we work with lots of different personalities, deadlines and communities.  Those who are able to SHIFT their mindsets from exclusion to inclusion might benefit greatly.  We all have unconscious biases.   
    •       Please consider SHIFTING your everyday language, your marketing efforts and access to your company to become more inclusive.   
    •       What if you were to SHIFT some of your resources to create an employee resource group?  How about SHIFTING your supplier from a large distributor to a local business?  These examples will SHIFT how the community views you, and perhaps increase your ROI.
    3.     SHAPE
    •       Let’s consider our mission/vision statements, our policies and our procedures as our third way to improve your DEI efforts.  Certainly, there are many ways to SHAPE your business, and please remember there is a difference between equity and equality.  Equality is where everyone has a pair of shoes, equity is where those shoes fit!   
    •       As you SHAPE your policies, have you enumerated out all of the populations you want to serve? We usually think about race, gender and age, so, please SHAPE your policies by including abilities, veteran status and gender identity.


    As an experienced and energetic Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) professional speaker and facilitator, Lisa specializes in counteracting unconscious bias and LGBTQ+ inclusion in business. Her impact is amplified through strengthening each person’s allyship. With a demonstrated history of working in secondary education and a passion toward community and social services, she is an expert in counseling, crisis intervention, educational leadership and program development.

    After receiving her diversity and inclusion certification from Cornell University, Lisa launched her Inclusion Ally business. Being an expert in LGBTQ+ issues has allowed her to present in all 50 states and keynote numerous school counseling conferences.

    She is the author of the best seller, “Be an Inclusion Ally: The ABC’s of LGBTQ+.” It became an International Book Award finalist.

    Lisa’s speaking style can best be described as dynamic, energetic and interactive. After 12 years of being a middle school counselor, she is now an adjunct instructor at Lakeland University training the next generation of school counselors. 

  • August 21, 2023 11:36 AM | John Russell (Administrator)

    Chapter Fifteen - The Deal is Never Done Until the Check Clears - Lee S. Johnson

    "We Wish We Had Known - Everyday Tips from Consultants to Grow Your Business"

    #Business Contracts

    "The Deal is Never Done Until the Check Clears"

    Lee S. Johnson

    Partners in Development, LLC
    Founder and Principal
    LeeJohnsen.com/ Lee@LeeJohnsen.com

         How do you put a price on the loss of a business relationship, let alone a friendship?

         Several years ago, a colleague asked me to assist with a project that involved the design and delivery of a training program to one of his clients. My colleague and I had worked together for years and had become personal friends.

          My colleague had established a relationship and agreement with the client regarding the project deliverables. When my colleague was called out of the country for an extended time due to a family matter, he asked me to step in. After explaining and asking for my help, of course, I agreed. Once my colleague left the country, I began working directly with the client.

          As things progressed, I learned the client had a different understanding of the expected deliverables. In the absence of my colleague, I made decisions based on my experience with other clients. These adaptations required additional time and scope to meet those expectations beyond my initial understanding.

          Following the training delivery, the client was pleased and commented the program exceeded their expectations. In following up with my colleague, I shared the client’s comments and presented him with an invoice. My colleague later called saying that my invoice was larger than expected and he would only pay half.

          Without further story details, you can likely guess its moral. Always put business agreements in writing!

    Let’s Make a Deal

          It’s been said, “If two parties want to do business together, they’ll work out the details. If one of the parties doesn’t want to do business, the details won’t make it happen.” Once the two parties agree to do business together, now is the time to work out those details to ensure mutual success.

    Create a written agreement that spells out:

    ·       Project deliverables, responsibilities/expectations of each party, timeframes, contingencies and payment terms. (For projects over an extended period, build in installment payments based on scope and partial deliverables.)

    ·       Include a debrief at the end of the project to discuss results, provide mutual feedback and follow up, if desired.

    ·       Ask the client to review the agreement and return a signed copy (written or electronic). If there are questions or changes, resolve them and create a final agreement.

    ·       Secure final signatures of all parties and provide copies.

    Establish regular status updates to discuss progress, obstacles, and options to address. Rarely does everything go as planned. When working virtually, misunderstandings and misinterpretations are not uncommon.

    ·       Share feedback as agreed. Ask your client for feedback and adjust as needed. Consider having the client sign off on work completed.

    ·       Invoice promptly.

    At the completion of the project:

    ·       Conduct the debrief, including any follow-up actions and observations of potential additional needs.

    ·       Promptly submit the final invoice.

    ·       Thank the client in writing, with an expression of your appreciation and desire to collaborate in future opportunities.

    Final Note: While these recommendations may sound like common sense, I have learned that common sense isn’t always common practice. Apply these practices and make your common practice permanent.


    Lee is the founder and principal of Partners in Development (PID). The motto of PID, “Closing Gaps in Workplace Performance,” acknowledges that there are many reasons why organizations and their team members either do or don’t achieve their expected results. Lee works with them to discover all the reasons for performance gaps and applies solutions to close them.

    Lee specializes in helping virtual team leaders and members feel like they’re working in the same room – even when they’re not. For over 10 years, he has become an expert at building the performance of organizations with global virtual teams and a hybrid workforce. In 2019, he released the second edition of his book, “Literally Virtually, Making Virtual Teams Work” and has spoken to audiences internationally.

    Strengthening the skills of organizational leaders and team members is Lee’s passion. He has designed, developed and delivered face-to-face and live, online training on topics including leadership and management, coaching, leading virtual teams and organizational development. Previous projects have included employee engagement surveys, strategic planning, executive coaching and team interventions. Previously, he held officer and management positions in Fortune 500 corporations and government agencies.

    Lee is a published author coauthoring the book “Real World Teambuilding Strategies That Work.” He has served as an adjunct instructor at five universities. He has the international distinction of being one of only a few who are certified by three international human resources organizations.

  • August 14, 2023 8:04 AM | John Russell (Administrator)

    Chapter Fourteen - Discover Your Unique Selling Proposition - Tara Ingalls

    "We Wish We Had Known - Everyday Tips from Consultants To Grow Your Business"

    #Business Branding

    "Discover Your Unique Selling Proposition"

    Tara Ingalls

     Tingalls Graphic Design, LLC
    Owner and Creative Director
    www.tingalls.com / tara@tingalls.com 

    “How is your business unique?”

    I'm always surprised how many of my clients don’t have an answer to this simple question. Their responses are usually in one of two camps: either they’ve never been asked or they simply don't know. If you yourself don't know, how are your customers supposed to know why to choose you?

         When I give presentations on branding, I ask business owners to raise their hands if they have “excellent customer service, affordable pricing and friendly staff.” Without exception, everyone in the room raises their hands. They wouldn't be in business long without these things. But in continuing to ask more and more questions, what I realized is that true differentiation typically lies within four key areas: people, process, products and pricing.

          At Tingalls Graphic Design, we believe branding is all about differentiating yourself from your competition and then creating messaging and artwork based on those unique selling propositions (USPs). If you truly aren’t different than your competitor – or you don’t know how to articulate how and why you are better – how can you expect your customers to make their decision to support you?

          Throughout the years, I’ve been able to work with my clients to help them discern their USPs using simple questions based around those four key areas. Grab a pencil and let’s dig in!


    • ·        Do you have team members that have reached milestone anniversaries?
    • ·        What skills or ongoing education is your team provided to stay current in their trade?
    • ·        Is your team empowered to make customer-centric decisions?
    • ·        How quickly do you and your staff respond to customer requests or feedback?
    • ·        How would you describe your company culture?
    • ·        How does your company culture extend into the customer experience?


    • ·        How easy is it for clients to get information about your business?
    • ·        Are you clear about the process of working with your company?
    • ·        Is client onboarding effortless if they have to move companies?
    • ·        Are you available after the project/service is complete?
    • ·        Are you a one-stop shop so your clients don't have to complete portions of the project elsewhere?


    • ·        What features do your products/services offer that others don’t?
    • ·        What solutions does your company offer others haven’t even thought of or can’t imitate?
    • ·        Is your product or service more reliable/durable than your competitors’?
    • ·        Can it be easily maintained throughout its lifetime?
    • ·        What is your product or service guarantee?


    • ·        Does your pricing reflect the value you offer?
    • ·        Is your pricing transparent and competitive?
    • ·        How close are your estimates to final invoices?
    • ·        Do you offer financing or a payment plan?
    • ·        How is your pricing model different than others?

          The list above is just the beginning. Feel free to create new questions as they arise and keep asking yourself, “Why is this USP important to my customer?”

          When your list is complete, or when you’ve run out of steam, share it with your team members for their input. Employees in different departments – not just communications or marketing – may bring fresh and thoughtful ideas to the table owners. Do some online research to weed out any answers your competitors could also lay claim to, or that seem disingenuous.

    Once you've compiled your list, perform an audit on current marketing efforts to see if they align with your new findings. Build messaging and create artwork to add to your website, social media, and employee onboarding paperwork so everyone on the team is clear on the company’s position in the marketplace.


    Tara Ingalls is owner and creative director of Tingalls Graphic Design, LLC. Since 2000, her firm has been Madison, Wis.’s go-to design agency for incredibly fast logo design, print collateral and website design solutions. Their stress-free design process keeps clients engaged with approval checkpoints along the way to ensure satisfaction.

    View their design portfolio on the web at www.tingalls.com, email info@tingalls.com, or call 608-268-5525 to learn more.

  • August 07, 2023 8:36 AM | John Russell (Administrator)

    Chapter Thirteen - Constructive Joy: The Indispensible Twin To Hard Work - Hollie H. Hollister

    "We Wish We Had Known - Everyday Tips from Consultants To Grow Your Business"


    "Constructive Joy: The Indispensible Twin To Hard Work"

    Hollie H. Hollister

    H Cubed Group, LLC
    Founder and Principal
    HCubedGroup.com /

    “Every JOY is gain.

    And gain is gain, however small.”

     Robert Browning

    My clients and colleagues often jest that I trick them and their teams into creatively approaching their most dreaded tasks and/or daunting projects from a place of “constructive joy,” ranging from networking at business events, growing their leadership skillsets to hammering away at high-impact projects.

          No tricking involved. It’s a customized practice fitted to each individual, team and organization.


          While it may appear that constructive joy has always been embedded as a north star guiding my collaborative work, this is not so.

          In one of my past lives serving as a new marketing services manager and first-time supervisor at an international Fortune 500 company, I was tasked with rebuilding the marketing services department during turbulent times. With so much riding on my position, I put in grueling hours months at a stretch with disregard to my wellbeing.

          Fortunately, I had the foresight to go against the grain of the company culture and invest in hiring a leadership coach to help me navigate the interdepartmental warfare and unchartered terrain.

          Prophetically my leadership coach shared that each time a person burns out, it will take them substantially longer to come back. Regretfully it took me three times to trust this advice with every fiber of my being. The third time I walked to the very edge of burn out, I wasn’t sure I was going to come back.

          What I wished I had known as I entered the business world is that constructive joy is not a nice to have. It is an essential form of self-care and an indispensable twin to the work we are called to do.

    A bit of warning…constructive joy is not a “one-size-fits-all” approach. For example, it may look different to an introvert, extrovert, solo entrepreneur, leadership team and vary by industry type or if working from home, work office or in a hybrid work environment.

          Although there are hundreds of variations, the heart of this process involves teasing out each individual’s interests and passions (personal and professional) combined with drawing on their strengths.


          A core action step is to bake in the practice of constructive joy up front so that it becomes a key ingredient or component to help prevent or minimize depleting tasks or work environments.


    Here’s a simple three-step exercise to jump-start your weekly constructive joy practice:


    ·        1)     List up to three recurring work tasks or events that regularly drain your energy.

    ·        2)     Select the one that feels the most draining.

    ·        3)     Brainstorm by yourself or with trusted colleagues how you could infuse one or more of your interests, passions and/or strengths so that it that would contribute to an uplifting or more energized work experience.


    Hollie Hollister is a pragmatic visionary who aspires to combine the personal with the professional to bring fresh thinking, unique insights and holistic solutions that help heart-based small business owners grow their businesses and themselves (all without stifling who they are or selling their souls).

    She has a talent for blending wisdom with “constructive joy” and creatively distilling it into guiding principles and simple, workable steps to help her clients, colleagues and friends reach their goals.

    Specializing within the area of coaching and leadership development, Hollie has over 18 years’ experience working with organizational groups across diverse industries within the private, government and social sectors, including Fortune 500 companies.


    Support services for heart-based small business owners to (re)discover and put into action their personal leadership practice include:

    1) Kick-start strategic thinking sessions to identify and activate their core values.

    2) Customized coaching and mentoring packages.

    Hollie is active on LinkedIn and would welcome connecting there: https://www.linkedin.com/in/holliehhollister/

  • July 31, 2023 10:31 AM | John Russell (Administrator)

    Chapter Twelve - How To Create A Strategic Marketing Plan And Take Action - Carol Goedken

    "We Wish We Had Known - Everyday Tips from Consultants To Grow Your Business"

    #Strategic Planning

    "How To Create A Strategic Marketing Plan And Take Action"

    Carol Goedken

    Action Marketing, LLC
    Chief Marketing Strategist
    ActionMarketingStrategy.com carol@actionmarketingstrategy.com

    The first step to creating an action-oriented strategic marketing plan is to hold a brainstorming session to review the elements of the plan. You can do this yourself by following the structure presented below or you can engage a facilitator to guide the process.

          The product and/or service, market and launch tactics should be reviewed at the brainstorming session. Set a three-hour limit for the session as this should be enough time to effectively brainstorm ideas in each area of the plan.

          Key participants who are working on the business should be involved in this session. It is best to have all functional areas represented but be careful about having over-representation from any one area as this might skew the discussion. Include participants who have knowledge about the current markets served, as well as participants who have knowledge about new markets you are considering. It might also be valuable to include participants who are not involved in your business. Participants should come with an open mind to explore new ways of thinking about the organization.

          A facilitator or a volunteer participant should be assigned to take notes with the goal of developing a working document to serve as an action-oriented strategic marketing plan. A timeline should also be created for further exploration and implementation.

          The next section is an outline of the format of the brainstorming session, split into the two major components – strategy and tactics.

    STRATEGY: Products, Markets and Marketing

    ·       Objectives of the Organization

    ·       Product Overview

    o   Product Description/Features and Benefits

    o   Key Product Weaknesses

    o   Future Product Development

    ·       Market Analysis

    o   Product Category/Competition

    o   Market Size/Target Customer

    ·       Marketing Strategy: Create a competitive advantage.

    ·       Name and Branding Strategy: Your name and identity should be memorable. Create your unique positioning:


    COMPANY NAME is the best WHAT for WHO because WHY Example: Action Marketing is the best resource for a company that wants to build a strategic plan with a unique identity and competitive advantage because Carol Goedken has experience growing companies and launching new products.

    ·       Positioning: How do you compare to other products?

    ·       Pricing Strategy: Is your offering low cost or high value?

    ·       Sales Strategy: How will you reach prospects to purchase?


    TACTICS: Review current materials, tactics and suggestions for the most cost-effective revisions and future tactics. For new products or markets, this session could evolve into a launch plan.


    Direct Marketing


    Social Media

    Public Relations

    Trade Shows

    Market Research

    Third Party Relations



    SUMMARY:Prepare initial financial projections, timeline, and challenges/risks to evaluate viability.


           Experienced executive with proven track record of growing companies and specializing in launching new products.

          Typical projects have included finalizing the product, developing positioning and copy, and executing product launches.

          Created a sales/marketing plan for a start-up educational software company. Executed a project completion plan to release the product which included finalizing the product’s feature set, setting the pricing strategy and managing release milestones. Managed the launch of the product at a major trade show and executed a tactical plan including public relations, email campaigns, trade shows, and telemarketing over a 12-month period.

          Transitioned a website from a free service to a paid subscription service through new positioning and revisions. Executed a launch promotion plan on a limited budget including email campaigns, an innovative collateral piece, new trade show tactics, new benefits-oriented advertising, and special promotional offers.

          Created the company identity and marketing plan for a service business, which involved conducting an extensive analysis of the competition, developing new positioning, and producing professional marketing materials and website. Launched an innovative 3D graphics product with a start-up software company. Executed the company's first official trade show within the first 30 days of hire, followed by five shows over the next six months. Finalized the product for shipment, developed collateral and promotional incentives, launched a public relations campaign, and executed direct mail campaigns. Won a national ADDY award for innovative CD/ROM packaging working with design agency.

                Smaller projects have included researching competitive products, writing marketing plans and conducting phone surveys to prospects/ customers for market viability or gathering testimonials.

  • July 24, 2023 11:37 AM | John Russell (Administrator)

    Chapter Eleven - Be Your True Self - Scott Forester

    "We Wish We Had Known - Everyday Tips from Consultants To Grow Your Business"

    #Self Improvement
    #Chief Financial Officer

    "Be Your True Self "

    Scott Forester
    Think Forward

    “Fractional” Chief Financial Officer

    Thinkforwardcfo.com / scott@thinkforwardcfo.com

            I am collaborative and like to get advice from others when making decisions. At one company a peer told me “You are the CFO – just make the decisions.” I understood why he said so, but it never felt right for me. I wasn’t being my true self when I tried to do what he suggested.

          The last company I worked for as the CFO was a tech company with a very special culture. They were growing and needed their first CFO. The CEO was concerned about hiring a “C” level person and how they might impact the culture. After my first of five interviews I knew this was the place I wanted to work. In the subsequent interviews the two founders and I primarily spoke about culture, fit and personality – very little about finance. I was hired and worked there for six years culminating in its sale. After I was hired the CEO told me he interviewed 50 candidates for the role, and I was the only one he felt would fit the culture. I asked why. He could tell I was very collaborative, caring and nurturing – not all traits people look for, find or want in a CFO but it was what he was looking for. That’s who I am. Sometimes it fits and sometimes it doesn’t.

          After working at the tech company for a few months my wife commented to me that I had “re-become” the person she married. I came home from work so much happier because I was able to be my true self there. What she said to me was the best compliment possible!

          In my consulting business, in my volunteer work and in my mentoring of others I continue to strive to be my true self. That’s where I’m most comfortable and where I do my best work. It’s interesting because I find that the right clients for me are drawn to that.

          Figure out who you are. This isn’t as easy as it sounds. We are all complicated people and we often put on personalities to fit in or make others happy. How do we feel in those situations? What about that them feels right and what doesn’t?

          I was fortunate to have been given outplacement services a few times after selling companies I worked for. I learned a lot about myself during those times. It was when I was first introduced to personality testing. I have taken many different types of personality tests and they all have helped me to learn about myself. What’s amazing to me is how well they describe me and learning that we all have things that make us unique.

          I enjoy discussing my results of these personality tests with friends and family to see what they think. It’s interesting to hear their comments and to share back about what I observe about them.

          I have been meditating daily for eight years and I was very skeptical about it at first. But I have found it to be one of my favorite activities and it has allowed me to quiet the voice in my head and to learn more about who I am. Discover something new.

          Use what you learn to find places that allow you to be your true self. For me that means helping others – both in my paid consulting role and in my unpaid volunteer positions and when I volunteer to mentor others.

          I love people and have learned the key to so many things is to have great relationships. I work hard at developing those relationships and to bring integrity and honesty to them, not only asking how I can help but seeing ways I think I can help and just doing so.

          I love networking connecting with others, seeing how we can help each other, figuring out which of my connections should be connected to each other and paying forward all the good things that have been done for me. I initially did my networking when I was in a job search, I now make it what I do all the time. Let’s meet.


        Scott has been a CFO for entrepreneurial companies for most of his career serving as the right-hand person to visionary CEOs – helping to make their dreams a reality. Scott has worked extensively in the tech, toy and food industries among others. (Anyone remember Furby?) He has also helped lead the sale of four employers to Hasbro, Heinz, Mondalez and Wipfli.

        Scott now has his own consulting business as a “fractional” CFO helping startups, entrepreneurial and growing companies who either don’t need or can’t afford a full-time CFO. He has a wide variety of clients who turn to him for business and financial advice and strategy. He has also served as an interim CFO.

        Scott moved to Madison, Wis., after spending his whole life in Chicago, Ill. He followed his rabbi wife to Madison and is very proud of his three grown children. He loves Madison and being involved in many organizations while helping/mentoring many people. He’s treasurer of StartingBlock, serves on the Finance Committee of the Boys & Girls Club of Dane County, and is a member of Finance Executives International Madison.

  • July 17, 2023 8:25 AM | John Russell (Administrator)

    Chapter Ten - Be Kind To Your Client And Yourself - Ellen Foley

    "We Wish We Had Known: Everyday Tips from Consultants To Grow Your Business"

    #Client Relationships
    #Personal Values

    Be Kind To Your Client and Yourself

    Ellen Foley

    Ellen Foley, Ink

    Consultant in Marketing and Communications

    When I made the switch from a decades-long successful corporate career to consulting, I decided to build my company with a focus of kindness. I see that quality as a key tenet of my brand and the distinguishing character of my business. At the same time, I realize that many clients measure the success of a consultant by how many documents, plans, visitors to a website, etc. that he, she, they deliver.

          Melding these two major prongs of consulting involves setting good boundaries with clients. It’s easier to do in corporate life because we understand that in the workplace, we have one main role, and we go home each evening to another life.

          Consulting is often an intimate experience with a client who is in crisis. I’ve found that this kind of work consumes me if I let it. Maintaining good boundaries is a constant job for good consulting hygiene. Building relationships with our clients is key.

          Current clients are often our pipeline to future clients. One of my consulting colleagues likes to remind me that consulting is at its core “therapy.” As advisers, she’s not too far off. Each of us decides in our practices how we govern the boundary with clients.

    1. My top priority in my consultancy is to be kind.

          In corporate life, the need to build profit for those who often do not work for the company can wring kindness out of work culture. As consultants, we give ourselves the permission and the opportunity to be kind. I operationalize that by focusing on three core practices that are sometimes more aspirational than I would like.

    • ·       I am patient and not judgmental when dealing with clients.
    • ·       I am curious about their business, personalities and foibles.
    • ·       I believe they are capable people and I remind them of that in many ways.

    2. To have good boundaries and not take the ups and downs personally, it’s important to know your strengths and your weaknesses.

          I happen to be great at identifying my weaknesses. A group of people who worked for me when I left one of my executive positions after a difficult period at a large company gave me a gift of telling me about myself and my many talents. They gave me a chart I keep in my office taped right above my desk.












    Weird Wild
















    The Queen

    The Goddess







    Fun and Funny

    The OGO

    Role Model


    Simply the Best

          When I am tackling an overwhelming challenge with a client, I often look at this chart because it reminds me about who I am and how others perceive me. It gives me confidence.


    Ellen Foley, a prizewinning journalist, author and marketing executive, focuses on small to medium organizations that need one-on-one attention and large organizations that require quick strategies for thought leadership, crisis communications and employee engagement.

    Ellen’s practice differs from others because of her many years of experience in higher education, health care, publishing and financial services. She currently teaches business courses at Edgewood College.

    Key projects include branding, corporate narrative development, compelling storytelling for individuals and organizations, media relations and training, web content creation, and social media and digital advertising planning.

    She works onsite and virtually at her office.

    Ellen recently finished writing a memoir about resilience and redemption that chronicles her journey through the tragic murder of her sister, Mary, and her husband’s 13-year battle with brain cancer. She hopes to publish it in 2022.

  • July 10, 2023 10:31 AM | John Russell (Administrator)

    Chapter Nine - Meet Employees and Clients Where They Are - Chris Flessert, CEBS, SPHR

    "We Wish We Had Known: Everyday Tips from Consultants To Grow Your Business"

    #Human Resources

          After 30 years working in human resources for several small- and medium-sized family-owned businesses and large corporations, I wanted a change to finish my career.

          Having a broad human resource generalist background, bachelor’s degrees in management and accounting, and expertise in employee relations and benefits, seemed to be the right toolkit to be a consultant. Being an ear and expert to help small businesses solve their people problems and compliance headaches was what I enjoy doing most.

          Kollath & Associates CPA, a small, outsourced accounting firm in Madison, Wis., had numerous clients asking for human resource services. The accountants did not have the specialized human resource expertise to meet that need. Mike Kollath, president, decided it was time to add a human resource division to the CPA practice. Thus, SustainableHR was born.

          I was hired to start the human resource consulting practice for Kollath CPA in September 2016. Our consulting model is to be a hands-on, accessible human resource business partner. As an extension of a client’s company, our human resource consultant knows the client’s employees who contact us directly with their human resource questions. We provide counsel and expertise to our client’s manager ensuring the organization is compliant with applicable employment laws. We guide them in designing and offering benefit plans to balance costs with affordable benefits to support their employees’ needs and help to attract talent for the client.

          The key to a good consultant is asking the right questions, listening to your client, and reading between the lines. I have yet to find a manager that enjoys addressing employee problems!

    1.     Ask the right questions. Clients know that they need human resource services but don’t know exactly what they need. I ask questions to probe and gain insight about the client company’s business and how they operate to determine their human resource service needs. For an existing business, we perform a human resource audit of their current practices, policies and records to see if the client is compliant with employment laws. If not, we work quickly to correct those noncompliant items that could cause the client penalties and fines. For a start-up, we have the opportunity design effective, compliant human resource processes and practices.

    2.     Listen to your client.  A consultant must be adept to listen and ask probing questions to get to the real problem or issue. What is holding back this client company from growing and flourishing? Many times, it is a people issue such as the employee nobody wants to deal with, the chronically late/absent employee, or the employee who brings their personal problems/drama to work. I am the encourager to guide the manager to address these difficult employees.

    3.     Read between the lines. What does the client’s tone of voice and body language tell you about the problem employee and frustration the owner/manager is experiencing? An example, Susan doesn’t come to work on time, but she has two kids and is a single parent, has an old car that breaks down…. (the saga goes on.) What can you do as an employer to support her efforts to get to work, especially in this current labor market shortage? That’s where brainstorming with the client possible options to provide a helping hand to Susan. It is getting the client to think “out of the box” to help them solve their problems with the goal of a win/win ending.

          Human resource consultants are the helping hand to guide clients towards workable solutions to maximize their staff and human resources processes to sustain and grow their business.


    Chris Flessert, CEBS SPHR, offers HR services to small- and mid-sized companies with an emphasis on nonprofit companies.  Her human resource career started after finishing a bachelor’s degree in management from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.  Her first job landed her at a manufacturing company in downtown Madison, Wis., as a personnel assistant. As her human resource career continued, she worked at three large insurance companies, three manufacturing companies, a large retail company and a local bank, gaining a broad base of experience as a human resource generalist. Along her career journey she found herself outplaced twice and retooled by earning a second bachelor’s degree in accounting. This opened new doors to opportunity.

    To solidify her human resource competencies, she earned a lifetime certification as a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR). Having started a Certified Employee Benefits Specialist (CEBS) course in 1993, she resumed her studies with the remaining nine exams in 2011 and finishing in 2015. As a human resource “techie,” she enjoys the details, laws and challenges that benefit plans offer. Her other human resource area of expertise is employee relations or people problem-solving.

    She gained a broad array of business experience through her life experiences so she can offer clients problem-solving skills and expertise to deal with any type of employee issue they may have. She is the encourager to help them address that “thorn-in-the-side” difficult employee problem they have been reluctant to address. Challenging employees can sidetrack a business in many ways.

    #Human Resources

    Meet Employees and Clients Where They Are

    Chris Flessert

    Human Resource Services Manager
    SustainableHR and SustainableHR PEO, LLC

    Sustainablehr.net / sustainablehr.net

    After 30 years working in human resources for several small- and medium-sized family-owned businesses and large corporations, I wanted a change to finish my career.

          Having a broad human resource generalist background, bachelor’s degrees in management and accounting, and expertise in employee relations and benefits, seemed to be the right toolkit to be a consultant. Being an ear and expert to help small businesses solve their people problems and compliance headaches was what I enjoy doing most.

          Kollath & Associates CPA, a small, outsourced accounting firm in Madison, Wis., had numerous clients asking for human resource services. The accountants did not have the specialized human resource expertise to meet that need. Mike Kollath, president, decided it was time to add a human resource division to the CPA practice. Thus, SustainableHR was born.

          I was hired to start the human resource consulting practice for Kollath CPA in September 2016. Our consulting model is to be a hands-on, accessible human resource business partner. As an extension of a client’s company, our human resource consultant knows the client’s employees who contact us directly with their human resource questions. We provide counsel and expertise to our client’s manager ensuring the organization is compliant with applicable employment laws. We guide them in designing and offering benefit plans to balance costs with affordable benefits to support their employees’ needs and help to attract talent for the client.

          The key to a good consultant is asking the right questions, listening to your client, and reading between the lines. I have yet to find a manager that enjoys addressing employee problems!

    1.     Ask the right questions. Clients know that they need human resource services but don’t know exactly what they need. I ask questions to probe and gain insight about the client company’s business and how they operate to determine their human resource service needs. For an existing business, we perform a human resource audit of their current practices, policies and records to see if the client is compliant with employment laws. If not, we work quickly to correct those noncompliant items that could cause the client penalties and fines. For a start-up, we have the opportunity design effective, compliant human resource processes and practices.

    2.     Listen to your client.  A consultant must be adept to listen and ask probing questions to get to the real problem or issue. What is holding back this client company from growing and flourishing? Many times, it is a people issue such as the employee nobody wants to deal with, the chronically late/absent employee, or the employee who brings their personal problems/drama to work. I am the encourager to guide the manager to address these difficult employees.

    3.     Read between the lines. What does the client’s tone of voice and body language tell you about the problem employee and frustration the owner/manager is experiencing? An example, Susan doesn’t come to work on time, but she has two kids and is a single parent, has an old car that breaks down…. (the saga goes on.) What can you do as an employer to support her efforts to get to work, especially in this current labor market shortage? That’s where brainstorming with the client possible options to provide a helping hand to Susan. It is getting the client to think “out of the box” to help them solve their problems with the goal of a win/win ending.

          Human resource consultants are the helping hand to guide clients towards workable solutions to maximize their staff and human resources processes to sustain and grow their business.


    Chris Flessert, CEBS SPHR, offers HR services to small- and mid-sized companies with an emphasis on nonprofit companies.  Her human resource career started after finishing a bachelor’s degree in management from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.  Her first job landed her at a manufacturing company in downtown Madison, Wis., as a personnel assistant. As her human resource career continued, she worked at three large insurance companies, three manufacturing companies, a large retail company and a local bank, gaining a broad base of experience as a human resource generalist. Along her career journey she found herself outplaced twice and retooled by earning a second bachelor’s degree in accounting. This opened new doors to opportunity.

    To solidify her human resource competencies, she earned a lifetime certification as a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR). Having started a Certified Employee Benefits Specialist (CEBS) course in 1993, she resumed her studies with the remaining nine exams in 2011 and finishing in 2015. As a human resource “techie,” she enjoys the details, laws and challenges that benefit plans offer. Her other human resource area of expertise is employee relations or people problem-solving.

    She gained a broad array of business experience through her life experiences so she can offer clients problem-solving skills and expertise to deal with any type of employee issue they may have. She is the encourager to help them address that “thorn-in-the-side” difficult employee problem they have been reluctant to address. Challenging employees can sidetrack a business in many ways.

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