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  • January 20, 2023 11:00 AM | John Russell (Administrator)

    Matthew is one of the Founding Partners of SX Wisconsin. Matthew helps small to mid-sized businesses achieve profitable and sustainable revenue growth. As an executive with over 25+ years of experience in leading highly successful sales teams, Matthew has executed the vision and strategies that built industry leading financial and insurance organizations. Matthew has seamlessly worked with cross-functional teams to remedy complex situations.


    Matthew partners with your company as an Outsourced Chief Sales Officer to assist sales teams in reaching exceptional levels of performance, profit and increase revenue while building winning strategies to help you reach business objectives.

    My goal is to drive sales growth. I do this with Sales Xceleration’s proven system that focuses on creating record-breaking

    sales for your company, defined in these 3 steps:

    * Create a Sales Plan

    * Find Your Best Customers

    * Grow Your Sales

  • January 20, 2023 10:20 AM | John Russell (Administrator)

    Creative Across The Curriculum, LLC
    Redesign the Learning Experience

    Discover how using creativity enhances the critical thinking and problem-solving skills of your students and teams.


    Frustrated with scripted, mandated curriculum that does not meet the needs of your students? Struggling to design high-quality creative experiences that meet state or professional standards? CATC works with educators to improve curriculum design and delivery in early childhood, elementary, middle, high schools, colleges, universities, and graduate programs.


    Tired of typical, boring business meetings and getting little buy-in from attendees? Eye rolls and negative attitudes are toxic when authentic change needs to happen. CATC works with business leaders, consultants, and HR departments to improve trainings and learning experiences for their employees and clients.


    Struggling to tackle complex social, emotional, economic, educational and logistical issues within a community? It's difficult for organizations to engage citizens across generations and neighborhoods. CATC works with community organizations, government departments, and parent groups to improve communication, address needs, and enhance lives.

    Background Info

    There is an ever-growing list of demands placed on business leaders, employers, school districts, teachers and caregivers. People are asked to squeeze more out of every moment in their work day and home life. The CATC process was developed to fit within these demands without overwhelming individuals or systems.

    The creative thinking process allows all to thrive when given the opportunity to explore, integrate, analyze, and create in a meaningful way. Participating in this design and implementation process also increases professional motivation and satisfaction for both teacher and learner.

    I am passionate about meeting your curriculum needs and I look forward to working with you soon!

    National Board Professional Teacher (MC Gen - 2025)

    Master's in Education (DePaul University)

    B.A. in Studio Art/Art History (Denison University)

    ESOL and Gifted Endorsements

    Over 20 years teaching experience

  • January 18, 2023 4:11 PM | John Russell (Administrator)

    Ann Massie Nelson is an interviewer and writer with more than 35 years of experience in marketing and communications, working primarily in financial services and trade associations. She has interviewed people on a wide range of topics for news and features articles that have appeared in print, video, web, broadcast and social media. Nelson has facilitated meetings and focus groups, developed and presented continuing education seminars, and taught at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She returned to the university in 2010 to earn a certificate in consumer health advocacy from the Law School. She holds bachelors and master’s degrees in life sciences communications from the UW-Madison.

    Life Messages Media, LLC, offers video storytelling services to individuals, organizations and small businesses. We come to your location, guide you through the interview, and record other footage to tell your unique story. Our high quality production process - using professional cameras, lights and sound - results in a video you will be proud to share with others. Your finished video is a natural reflection of you that speaks volumes more than text or photographs alone can do.

  • January 18, 2023 9:52 AM | John Russell (Administrator)
    John recently wrote,  Be A Standup Leader - The ABC's of Doing Things Right, highlighting his experiences in advertising, marketing and sales training.  John has been coaching, training and leading small business owners helping them generate tangible results with improved marketing, advertising and sales training.  After a 20 year career in radio sales and sales management, where he helped generate over $10MM in sales, John joined Certified Speaking Professional and Professional Sales Trainer Chris Lytle as the Director of Marketing to launch a successful web-based, e-learning sales training system. This start up grew to over $2MM in sales revenues in 2 years. Seeing that the future was in helping other business owners increase sales, John branched out by working in the Outdoor Advertising industry with Adams Outdoor, before becoming the Sales and Marketing Director of a successful kitchen design and build firm in Madison and Milwaukee, Dream Rooms by Dream Kitchens.

    Over the years John has coached numerous area business leaders and companies on effective ways to increase sales, generate new revenue and improve personnel effectiveness. John has served as President of the Middleton Chamber of Commerce and as President of Madison Area Business Consultants.  

  • November 10, 2021 8:39 AM | Catherine Barrance (Administrator)
    What if you could pick the brains of 30 consultants?

    MABC is proud to announce that we recently published an in-depth volume of tips, advice and tools to help other business owners succeed. "We Wish We Had Known" is a compilation of expertise from 30 successful consultants who are members of MABC.

    According to Forbes, the consulting industry is worth a whopping $100 billion per year and is expected to grow around 80% per year over the next few years. Simply put, they agree there’s never been a worse time to be an employee, and there’s never been a better time to start your own consulting business.

    Being a small business owner or consultant has its advantages and struggles. We usually love the work we do but languish with the other tasks that are not in our area of expertise.

    This book’s mission is to offer step-one tips to improve your work on those other essential tasks. Each chapter stands alone as it is written directly by the author, using their voice, their industry jargon, and their style. This anthology of authors also gives the reader expertise in the topics to use exactly when you need them.

    Think of this book as a directory of advice to pick up and skim through to learn something new or to target read a single chapter on a specific need for your business. Either way, these authors are here to support your business journey. Feel free to reach out to any of them individually to work more closely in their area of expertise!

    We, at MABC, have a strong commitment to perfecting our craft through professional growth and supporting other professionals along the way. Order your copy of We Wish We Had Known today!



    "We Wish We Had Known" was featured by In Business Magazine, which talked about the book as drawing on decades of experiences from 30 Madison-area business consultants aims to cut through the clutter and provide tips and tricks that both new and seasoned consultants can use in their own consultancy endeavors. READ THE ARTICLE

  • August 04, 2021 8:31 AM | John Russell (Administrator)

    MABC August 12th, 2021 Program


    There’s 3 main considerations to begin the process to get the appointment with the decision maker.

    • 1.      Prequalify through research to establish an understanding of the client situation and problem you can solve.
    • 2.      Open the relationship and begin to establish trust with the gatekeeper and the decision maker.
    • 3.     Earn the opportunity to set up an executive briefing where you can ask preliminary questions to determine if there’s a natural fit between your prospects business opportunity and your consulting specialty.

    Answer your own pre-qualifying questions:

    Does this prospect have problems that my consulting can solve?

    Is this company in a growth pattern?

    Are there multiple locations in my territory?

    Is this a market leader or prestige client who will help me sell others in the category?

    Are they doing business with other consultants?

    Can I reach the ultimate decision maker?

    Is this prospect business cost-effective to pursue?

    Do I have a referral?

    Is there a chance for a long term relationship?

    Do your research.

    Can you find someone who can introduce you or that you can reference as a referral?

    Learn about the person who is the economic buyer.  Start at the top and work down.

    Get to know and build a relationship with the gatekeeper to the decision maker.

    Confirm who the decision maker is.  It can change.

    Send letter #1:  The first letter of introduction about you, your company, your purpose and who you help.

    Include why you’re contacting them? 

    What’s your purpose for the letter?  Why are you interested in speaking with me?

    What’s your reason for contacting the company?

    What are you hoping to communicate?

    What problem does your service solve?

    How is your solution different than the others?

    What’s the benefit to meeting with you?

    What is your prospects company passionate about?

    What are your prospects competitors doing to solve the same problem?

    Send letter #2(within 3 days of letter #1): Noting a recent article about the prospects company, their competitor or their industry.  Demonstrate you have insight into the prospects issues.

    Send letter #3(within 3 days of letter #2): Note a recent story about a triggering event in the industry that could have implications for your prospects company, which you determined through your pre-meeting research.

    Send letter #4(within 3 days of letter #3): Research your prospects customer.  Demonstrate you are a critical thinker in touch with their industry, company and challenges.

    Prepare your follow up voice mail scripts. Call after each letter politely to ask if they’ve received it and if you can meet with them for 15 minutes to exchange information to see if their might be a fit between your two companies.  Your only goal is to get the meeting, not to sell.  It’s not about you at this point.

    Don’t email.

    Can you physically walk into the business to meet just the gatekeeper?




    From Jill Konrath – Selling To Big Companies
    Getting meetings with C-level execs or their senior designate isn’t hard. In fact, it’s often much, much quicker to get an appointment with (or referral from) the CEO than getting a meeting with a mid-ranking exec who is vested in the status quo. This applies in all B2B sales – even if the CEO isn’t the main buyer for the product, service, or solution you sell.

    #1: Make sure your value proposition focuses on the outcomes and impact your client can expect – and that other clients get – because of working with you. Rather than saying, “We help companies to…” (which is how most value props start, and why they sound the same) demonstrate immediate credibility and social proof by saying, “Clients like ABC and XYZ say they get (results/outcome/impact) because they choose to work with [name of your company].” “Choose to work with [name of your company]” is actually an embedded suggestion that pre-conditions your potential customer to choose to work with you.

    #2: Go high! Once your messaging is more client focused, just switching your attention on getting meetings with more senior executives will mean you get meetings with more senior executives – as senior executives are always on the lookout for new initiatives that will accelerate time to market, increase revenue, decrease costs, improve efficiencies, and more. They’re wired that way. And research shows they appreciate salespeople who bring new ideas to them. 

    #3: Write several different opening scripts.  Try each repeatedly and identify which emails/letters that generate the most meetings. Tweak them to appeal to senior execs’ motivations.

    9 Tips to Get Prospects to Call You Back

    • 1.     Get down to business right away.
    • 2.     Reference any referrals up front and state your referrals name.
    • 3.     Show you’ve done your homework and prepared for the meeting.
    • 4.     Mention a recent newsworthy event related to your prospects industry or business.
    • 5.     Can you share a strong value proposition?
    • 6.     Share a fresh perspective.
    • 7.     Eliminate any self-serving language.
    • 8.     Sound like a trusted partner.
    • 9.     Use a series of scripts for voice mails.

    One you get the appointment, prepare, send and follow up with a pre-meeting agenda.

    When you confirm your meeting via phone say, “In preparation for this meeting, I’ve sent you a pre-meeting agenda. Is there anything you’d like to add to the agenda or questions you have that we can prepare for in advance?” 

    This demonstrates that the meeting time will be used efficiently and will be focused on the prospects situation.

  • June 03, 2021 12:36 PM | Deleted user

    I’m a big believer in the power of networking. I could tell you hundreds of stories about how it’s helped me and how my being an avid networker has helped others.  You never know “who knows who” and how we can help each other.

    While I was a full time CFO for an entrepreneurial tech company I started taking on side projects. I enjoyed doing that kind of work and when I helped the owner of the tech company sell it last year, I decided I wanted to do it full time. I became a “fractional CFO” – helping companies who needed a CFO’s skills and experience but not on a full-time basis.  I had become a “consultant”.

    I continued to network and I quickly realized that my doing so with other consultants brought additional benefits especially with those I had gotten to know well like those in the Madison Area Business Consultants group (MABC).  In addition to the benefits of traditional networking, our skills can be helpful to other consultants when our clients or contacts turn to us for advice beyond what we normally help them with. For example, one of my clients might ask me if I know someone who specializes in online marketing – and I have a few to recommend from MABC. Or someone might ask me if I know a business coach – again I know a few. Someone might ask you if you know a fractional CFO and you do.  Being able to suggest someone you trust and can recommend is “win win”.

    I have found MABC to be a great group made up of authentic, smart and helpful people. I’ve tried to get to know as many of you as I can. I look forward to getting to know you better and to being able to recommend you to clients and other people I know who ask me “Do you know someone who……?”

  • March 17, 2021 8:49 PM | Stuart Fields

    A long-time dream is about to come true.

    Life Lessons in Success

    Launching 3.21.21

    My Book Launches March 21!

    After many years of dreaming, I took action and wrote a book with 35 friends!

    • We each share a personal story with the lesson we learned.
    • To inspire, support, and uplift the reader through storytelling.
    • Each story is unique, and every reader will connect with at least one.

    I hope you will buy the book on launch day!  Follow us on Facebook for updates and chances to receive bonuses and other resources.



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